Oliver Reginald Tambo Day is celebrated across the world, the Alfred Nzo District Municipality in conjunction with Winnie Madikizela-Mandela Local Municipality commemorates this day by bringing the government services closer to the communities.
Amongst the governments that were rendering services includes Department of Health, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Transport to mention few. Meanwhile the Member of the Provincial Legislature honorable Mkhaya Twabu applauded government for these initiatives in rembering life and times of Oliver Reginald Tambo. “He fought for our democracy unfortunately he died just before 1994. “We must continue not to forget days like this, these people gave us directions”. Said Twabu. Delivering the key note address Executive Mayor Cllr: Vukile Mhlelembana said “it is a great honor to deliver this address on this big day. “O.R. Tambo would’ve been 105 years if he was still alive, let’s celebrate these days by changing people’s lives.” said Mhlelembana. “He also called upon government officials to service communities with respect, dedication and apply both pele principles at all given time.