Is responsible for:
- Ensuring the safety of ANDM community and tourists by; providing effective emergency response services and quality prevention and education program that will minimize the loss of life and property resulting from fires and other emergency situations.
- The Unit is organized into four divisions. Each division has functional Sections which are responsible for the accomplishment of specific functional goals and objectives. Its legislative mandate is based and withdrawn from the Fire Brigade Services Act No. 99 of 1987.
I. Management & Administration
II. Operations Division is responsible for fire suppression and rescue (quality prevention and education programs)
III. In-house (Personnel) and Public Training
IV. Safety & Support Services
- Thusong Service Centers are one-stop, integrated community development centers, with community participation and services relevant to people’s needs.
- Aim to empower the poor and disadvantaged through access to information, services and resources from government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), parastatals, business, etc. enabling them to engage in government programmes for improvement of their lives.
- Government’s vision for Thusong Service Centers is to provide every South African citizen with access to information and services within their place of residence and in each local municipality by 2014 with the purpose of improving the quality of their lives through integrated service delivery.
- Seeks to ensure the provision for a dynamic infrastructure which will allow for future inclusion of other heritage institutions into all heritage sites and museums assigned to ANDM;
- Ensure the facilitation of the sustainable development of heritage appreciation through exhibitions and focused educational programmes.
- Ensure the promotion of local museums through co-operation with national and provincial museum structures.
- Empower civil society to nurture and conserve their heritage resources so that they may be bequeathed to future generations;